Sunday, January 20, 2013


The title of Katie Pavlich's book, "Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and its Shameless Cover-Up." Sets the tone for reading the work.

Ordinarily, the title itself is so obviously biased that I would put little to no trust in the reporting of the author. Books read to gain knowledge need to be handled with a certain diligence. Emotion and critical thinking skills do not often go hand-in-hand as an excess of emotion clouds perception excepting in the direction of your preexisting expectations.

A book with such a title would appeal to a certain demographic. People who hate Obama and are looking for a reason to hate him. These are people suffering from the ills of confirmation bias, the tendency to only look for sources of information that confirm your existing belief. With an inflammatory title, the author hopes to sell a book telling the buyer exactly what he wants to hear.

The book is, essentially, preaching to the Choir.

Meanwhile, anyone who is undecided or liberal will logically veer away from the book as biased reporting is often very poor quality reporting. Garbage in / Garbage out is a saying I've heard in reference to computer programing. It also works with the brain. If you consistently read works by authors who are biased and possess poor reasoning skills, you will become as they are. Thus, people of discretion avoid sources of information likely to be error-filled.

But, you may ask, what about Confirmation Bias. Is the moderate or  liberal reader also carefully filtering only for information that supports their existing bias? I don't think so. A book with a more balanced title might be of value to a moderate or liberal reader as a source of perspective for, at least, understanding the conservative mind on this matter.

I was asked to read this book by my Uncle. I am going to try and do so. For your information, I am someone who strives to be moderate in my politics, but I do lean towards the Democratic side because the Republican side tends to get more Pants-on-Fire fact check results. Understandably, I mistrust liars. I also detest people who intentionally spread falsehoods to further their own agenda. By this, I mean when someone says something so obviously and blatantly in contrast to the facts... but says it anyway.

Anyway, so much for the title....

This book was published on April 17, 2012 according to

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